Dr Cheryll Adams, executive director of the Institute of Health Visiting (iHV), was named in the Health Service Journal's (HSJ) 2015 Clinical Leader List for the second year running.
The HSJ Clinical Leaders list highlights leaders whose clinical background enhances the work they do and those who have made a significant impact on health service policy, healthcare delivery or medical/clinical advancement over the past 12 months.
Sally Russell, chair of the iHV, said: 'It's a wonderful accolade for Dr Cheryll Adams to be included on the 2015 HSJ Clinical Leaders list. This acknowledges the remarkable effort she has personally put into making the iHV match its vision of delivering excellence and consistency in health visiting practice and so, leading to improve health outcomes and making a real difference to all children, families and communities.'
Dr Adams said that she felt 'honoured' to have been selected for the list again.
'Health visitors, for so long the "silent public health army", must have their voice heard again by communities where thay have such an impact on the public's health, the iHV is helping this to happen. In particular through the local iHV fellows, Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Champions and Safeguarding and Domestic Violence and Abuse experts we have created since our launch in November 2012. These health visitors are the real leaders as it is they who are driving local change,' she said.
Dr Adams said that the health visitors had been critical to the success of the iHV. She stated that they should 'share this award, as should the board and staff of the iHV.'
Theresa Shaw, chief executive of the Foundation of Nursing Studies, and Professor Alison Leary, chair of healthcare and workforce modelling at Southbank University were also named on the list.