One of the many attractions of entering the nursing profession is the variety of careers that it can offer. There are many options available in relation to the area of specialism and the environment of practice, and many nurses will make their choice based on an excellent placement experience with support from an inspiring role model.
When newly qualified, a period of preceptorship is recommended as best practice by the NMC to support learning and induction into the role.
As part of the QNI's aim to support nurses to deliver best practice in the community and primary care, we are committed to producing online resources to aid newly qualified nurses' transition in practice.
Our first resource, Transition to Community Nursing Practice, supports those who move to a staff nurse post in the district nursing service. It has been immensely well received, and in response to the demand, we supplied a printed version to provider organisations wishing to use the resource for students on placements in community settings.
The QNI has now published a second transition resource for those moving to a staff nurse post in the school nursing service.
Written by one of our Queen's Nurses and supported by a team of Queen's Nurses working in the school nurse service, we have already received some great feedback. For example, one nurse said: 'I think these resources are excellent. I only wish there had been something like this available when I started school nursing. It is all very pertinent and relevant with lots of links so staff do not have to continually search for information. I would recommend it for all school nurses, not just those new to the role.'
The resource includes real scenarios from practice and explores the professional issues related to delivering the school nursing service. A cloud-based portfolio also supports the user to assess the clinical skills needed in their new role and to identify a mentor in practice to support their development. The portfolio includes a section on reflection on practice and will provide a good method of collating and storing evidence for revalidation.
Later this year, we will be launching the transition resource for nurses moving to general practice nursing, either as a newly qualified nurse or when moving from another environment of care. In 2016 we will be developing a resource for those nurses moving to care home practice.
As the QNI library of transition resources develops, it reinforces the huge range of opportunities we have as nurses to use our talents and skills across the whole lifecourse.
Crystal Oldman, chief executive, Queen's Nursing Institute