An event for healthcare professionals to learn about supporting patients with mental health problems quit smoking will be held at the Hallam Conference Centre in London on 10 November. Speakers will include Dr Shubulade Smith, consultant psychiatrist and senior lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, and Dr Jonathan Campion, visiting professor of population mental health at University College London.

An event for healthcare professionals to learn about supporting patients with mental health problems quit smoking will be held at the Hallam Conference Centre in London on 10 November. Speakers will include Dr Shubulade Smith, consultant psychiatrist and senior lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, and Dr Jonathan Campion, visiting professor of population mental health at University College London.
Topics will include the importance of smoking cessation in improving the physical heath of people with mental health disorders, implementing NICE guidance on creating a smoke-free environment for patients, and ways to change culture and attitudes towards smoking cessation.