The Journal of Health Visiting is hosting a series of free study days, for nurses, school nurses, public health nurses and health visitors, and any other healthcare professionals with an interest in children and nutrition.
These days are designed to offer concentrated educational updates for health care professionals. The next event will take place on 29 March at the Congress Centre in London. To sign up, visit: https://www.jhvstudydays.co.uk
Other events will take place in seven locations across the United Kingdom, each study day providing key updates in a variety of clinical areas. The study days are free to attend, but places are strictly limited to 150 at each venue, so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Study days will include lunch, refreshments and CPD certificate. Registration is from 08:30am and the day will end at 1pm.
On 29 March, Amy Noakes, Senior Lecturer in Children's Nursing, London South Bank University, will discuss healthy weight in pregnancy and post-birth, while freelance dietitian Kathy Cowburgh will speak about vitamin D deficiency. Finally, nutritional therapist Julie Clark will discuss promoting healthy eating for life.