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Funding and mentorship opportunities available to nurses

The RCN is offering nurses an opportunity to showcase best practice in the profession.

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) is offering nurses an opportunity to showcase best practice in the profession.

The funding and mentorship are available to all nursing staff, including health care assistants, students, and nursing leaders. Nursing staff are being asked to submit their ideas for improving an area of their practice. A maximum of 100 entries will receive a mentor to help them move their idea forward. A further three or four submissions will also receive funding to develop their concept in real-world settings. The mentorishps

‘Every day nurses see opportunities to improve patient care, but many just don’t have access to the support to take these ideas forward,’ said Steph Aiken, RCN deputy director of nursing. ‘In our centenary year, we wanted to celebrate the very best in nursing practice by giving nurses the chance to develop their ideas and change patient care for the better.’

As part of the scheme, the RCN will provide successful entrants with expert mentors to help make the idea a reality. According to the organisation, this will include supporting nurses to develop a presentation for delivery a conference or to write a paper or journal article for publication. Mentors will also provide proof-reading support and help further refine the project. Additionally, several projects will receive funding for further development. The RCN will cover the costs, such as including travel, conference attendance and submission of articles to professional journals.

The deadline for submissions is 31 December. For more information or to submit an idea, visit the Celebrating Nursing Practice webpage.