Clinicians across Essex, Cambridge and Peterborough gathered at an event about behavioural change, to learn to help people improve their health and wellbeing.
The conference was organised by Provide, a social enterprise that delivers health and care services across Essex, Cambrige, Peterborough and north East London. Over 160 clinicians including district nurses, physiotherapists, community dentists and staff from specialist services.
Jane Corser, the executive director of clinical and operations at Provide and a registered nurse, said: 'We want all of our staff to be able to help people live longer, healthier lives.
'The message from all the presentations was a consistent one - that people want to make changes to their lifestyles when they are ready to do so. As health professionals we need to understand what motivates people to change and what are the blocks and issues that they need to overcome.'
The event was opened by John Niland, Provide's chief executive and the keynote speakers included David Hawkes, a senior lecturer in mental health at Anglia Ruskin University and Nathalie Spencer a senior researcher in the RSA's social brain team.
Workshops covered a whole range topics including challenging perspectives, changing behaviour, true clinical supervision, encouraging patients to use healthcare technology, the benefits of excercise, and self-management in diabetes.