The Nursing and MIdwifery Council (NMC) has introduced a new payment by instalment option to pay the annual registration fee.
Nurses and midwives can now choose to pay their £120 annual registration fee by quarterly direct debit payments of £30. Switching from an annual payment or newly signing up to quarterly payments by instalment is available through the NMC online account, using direct debit.
Jackie Smith, chief executive and registrar of the NMC, said: 'The NMC is delighted to launch this new payment option, which will give greater flexibility to nurses and midwives when they pay their annual fee.
'I’m very pleased that we’ve been able to respond to the positive and constructive conversations we’ve had with nurses and midwives to improve this service.'
The introduction of payment by instalments resulted from a large number of nurses and midwives stating that a more flexible pay system was needed, as the NMC fee has seen increased fees from £76 to £120 in the last three years.
A consultation ran from May 2014 until October 2014 on whether NMC members desired a payment by instalation option.
A dedicated website has been launched with more information about how to set up the quarterly direct debit.