Rebeccah Davies, an award-winning midwife has been elected as the new President of the Royal College of Midwives.
Ms Davies brings over 30 years’ clinical midwifery experience to the role and is also a keen RCM Activist.
‘Rebeccah will bring a wealth of midwifery experience to her role as President and we are all looking forward to working with her. She is joining the RCM at an exciting time and will truly have our members at the heart of everything she does,’ said the RCM’s Chief Executive Gill Walton.
Ms Davies has recently retired from her role as a Labour Ward Co-Ordinator at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust and says she hopes to bring honesty, integrity, experience and passion to her new role as RCM President.
As an RCM rep at a ‘troubled Trust’, Ms Davies says she recognises the level of support and leadership that is urgently needed to bring about positive change in midwifery practice and culture to improve safety.
‘I will never fail to acknowledge the tragic events that happened in my Trust, and I pay tribute to the way in which the families who have been affected by them have conducted themselves, with strength and dignity. We owe it to them to ensure that the mistakes made are never repeated and lessons are learned,’ said Ms Davies.
‘Learning from all aspects of our work is fundamental to our professional growth, and I want that to be a key element of my presidency. During my tenure, I’m looking forward to supporting midwives and MSWs on their career pathways, and to support the RCM’s aim to become more representative of its membership and the women and families we serve as midwives and maternity support workers. I am proud and honoured to have been elected as RCM President and look forward to meeting and listening to our members.’