It has been twenty years since the organisation last published a definition of nursing and since then, the profession has changed enormously. The new definition reflects the changes and increased complexity of the profession and responsibility of registered nurses.
‘This has been a hugely important piece of work by the RCN and will help ensure that registered nurses are valued and respected, and the scope of their work is acknowledged,’ said Rachel Hollis, Chair of the RCN Professional Nursing Committee.
The RCN Professional Nursing Committee has worked alongside members, fellows and forums to create this definition. It underpins the updated RCN Principles of Nursing, which describe what everyone can expect from nursing to deliver safe and effective care. They cover the aspects of behaviour, attitude and approach that support good care and they are mapped to and complement the NMC Code.
‘The definition will sit alongside our revised principles of nursing, which are of relevance to the whole nursing workforce. It will underpin the RCN Professional Framework, which is designed to provide clarity on levels of practice and will establish a career framework for nurses, developed by nurses,’ added Ms Hollis.