Getting ahead in a nursing career can mean so many things to so many people. For some it may be developing a specialist area of practice.
For others it could be achieving the title ‘advanced nurse practitioner’. But whatever titles nurses aspire to, motivation is essential and quality patient care needs to be at the heart of their ambitions.
To progress your career, ‘you need to be passionate, empathetic, and an advocate for patients’ welfare and well-being,’ says Queen’s Nursing Institute nurse Yemisi Osho, an advanced nurse practitioner, consultant in advanced nursing, and a Labour councillor.
For many students, career decisions are often made early in their pre-registration nursing programme. It is, therefore, important to provide access to timely and appropriate careers advice on commencement and throughout their pre-registration programmes, advises Kathryn Yates, professional lead for primary community and integrated care , the Royal College of Nursing (RCN).
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