The RCN’s ballot of members working for the NHS and HSC will take place between Thursday 6 October and Wednesday 2 November.
All eligible members have received an email this evening, on the date the original industrial action strike ballot was due to open, to inform them that ballot papers will now be posted to them on Thursday 6 October by Civica Election Services.
To read more about this subject, visit:
- Therese Coffey appointed Health and Social Care Secretary
- Nursing vacancies in England at record high
- RCN members in Northern Ireland to join strike ballot
The announcement comes as the RCN called on new Prime Minister Liz Truss to address the challenges present in the NHS.
‘The new prime minster must demonstrate to the millions of people in the UK’s health and care workforce that not only is she listening but also delivering. Decisive political action to help them at home and at work has never been required with such urgency,’ said RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive Pat Cullen.
‘With many of the ills in our health and care services caused by political negligence, they can be addressed by swift political attention too. As the representative of half a million nursing staff, Liz Truss will hear directly from me. She must begin by accepting that safe numbers of staff are needed immediately to stand the best chance of reducing waiting lists, giving appointments and quite literally saving lives.’
The RCN’s pay campaigning activity remains paused until after the funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II, the organisation’s royal patron for more than 65 years. It will recommence later next week.