This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Student nurses will not receive their loans because of administrative error

Student nurses will not receive further loan payments this year because of an administrative error

Infant nutrition: the 1000 days that can last a lifetime

Mark Greener explains that dietary patterns in early life have long-lasting effects on a child’s health

Clarity not charity is what nurses need

Those people who argue that Canadians are the nicest people in the world will add some grist to their mill with a little news story you may have missed this week

One in six CCGs meeting targets for pregnant smokers

Just one in six clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are meeting that national target for lowering the number of mothers smoking at the time of birth, a report by NHS Digital has found

One in four British adults suffer from multiple health problems, says new study

The research shows that the majority of GP appointments and hospital admissions see patients who have several conditions, with eight out of ten prescriptions being given to people living with...

Sacrifice a day’s leave for minor pay rise, says government

NHS leaders, health unions and the government are close to reaching an agreement for a three-year pay deal for staff in England, leaked documents have revealed

Major campaign launched to celebrate 70 years of the NHS

England’s Chief Nursing Officer (CNO), Prof Jane Cummings, has announced a major new campaign to improve recruitment and retention as part of plans to recognise the health service’s 70th anniversary...

Diabetes undergoing a ‘paradigm shift’ as 5 types of the disease identified

A group of Scandinavian scientists have said diabetes can be separated into five different diseases, with specific treatments for each one possible

Current levels of UK pollution ‘threat to human health’

Pollution should be seen as a public health concern and an environmental problem as the UK population is being exposed to a ‘daily cocktail of pollution’, says England’s chief medical officer

General practice ‘in decline’ as satisfaction drops to record lows

Public satisfaction with general practice has fallen to its lowest level since records began, according to the British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey

PHE issues weather advice as temperatures plummet

Public Health England (PHE) have issued cold weather warnings following the arrival of a Siberian weather front, dubbed ‘the beast from the East’

Jeremy Hunt receives award for progress on patient safety

The health secretary Jeremy Hunt received a ‘Humanitarian Award’ at the 6th Annual World Patient Safety, Science and Technology Summit in recognition of his work to reduce preventable deaths in the...

Diabetes has become the ‘crisis of our time’ as rates double in UK

The number of people in the UK who have been diagnosed with diabetes has doubled over the last two decades, new figures from Diabetes UK have revealed

UK adults have ‘worrying’ lack of awareness regarding the signs of an eating disorder, survey shows

Beat, an eating disorder charity, has called on the government and NHS to increase awareness for such conditions as it revealed a staggering lack of public knowledge

NHS England ‘dangerously’ understaffed, as 100,000 posts are unfilled

One in 11 positions in NHS England (NHSE) currently remain unfilled, new figures from NHS Improvement have revealed

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