Postmenopausal women with a family history of breast cancer could benefit from medicines to reduce their risk of development, new NICE guidelines have explained
A single charity has claimed its contributions to children’s palliative care is saving the health and social care system £2 million a year, according to a new report
Nearly half of breastfeeding mothers stop after two months, according to new data from Public Health England and NHS England
The routine screening of pregnant women for a common type of bacteria has been discouraged in new recommendations from the UK National Screening Committee
The number of teen pregnancies in the UK is at its lowest since records began, according to new data from the Office for National Statistics
A new online system has been launched by Public Health England (PHE) to improve monitoring of the negative effects of new psychoactive substances
As plans to overhaul the current methods of professional regulation take shape, Abigail James outlines the various options available to the government and asks if a health super regulator is really...
Female nurses are at a significantly higher risk of suicide than the national average, new figures from the Office for National Statistics have revealed
Prophets rarely come in as unlikely a form as Andy Burnham MP, writes Mike Shallcross
Healthcare associated infections, including E. coli, C. difficile and MRSA, can present major risks to patient safety, writes Emma Burnett
A correct diagnosis of monogenic diabetes can transform treatment options, writes Anita Murphy
Primary care nurses must be able to treat patients with these conditions, writes Nicola Davies
This degenerative condition is increasingly prominent in the UK’s ageing population, writes Suneeta Kochhar
The Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention Information Service (ADEPIS), run by charity Mentor UK, is set to receive a boost in funding, Public Health England has announced
The funding made available to local authorities to develop suicide-prevention strategies is ‘too little and too late’, a report by the Commons Health Select Committee has said
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