There were more than 10,000 extra births last year, leading to fears an already overstretched midwifery workforce will be put under more pressure
The RCM will host a one day course to help midwives understand mental health on 3 November.
A look at the factors that can influence unhealthy weight. By Louise Cremonesini and Jude A Oben
After a change in terminology, Sara Patience reviews the advice to date and how it relates to nurses
There are many ways in which nurses can fill their CPD requirements for revalidation. This handbook provides information on how we can help with CPD activity and case studies from nurses who have...
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has developed new guidelines to help nurses and midwives identify and care for patients who have experienced domestic abuse
Marie Curie nurses have been provided with 250 hours of digital training as part of the Digital Eagles scheme
The first universities and Trusts to offer nursing associate training have been selected
Staff in schools, including school nurses, are a vital component in the provision of children's mental health, but are largely 'disconnected' from the sector, a report from the Royal College of...
Sidney Brown outlines how his experience as an evacuee led him on a lifelong journey through the NHS
Mark Greener presents recent studies exploring good health practice during pregnancy
Spotting this lethal cancer early is vital to giving patients the best chance of survival, writes Ali Stunt
Diagnosing asthma in children is challenging, but information obtained from clinical history and objective lung function testing should help nurses determine probability and adopt a stepwise approach,...
Debates around baby loss should highlight the positive role of midwives, writes Seeta Bhardwa
Mike Shallcross reflects on a year in primary care nursing
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