This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Career profile: Glenn Nicholson, Barnsley

Diabetes team leader at South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Scheme to improve maternity safety announced

​A plan to ‘dramatically’ increase the safety of mothers and their babies during birth has been announced by health secretary Jeremy Hunt

Child flu vaccination programme now covers more ages

The national flu vaccination programme will be extended to cover children up to the age of seven for the first time, Public Health England has announced

Home is where the harm is

Cuts to domestic violence services make interventions in primary care even more vital, writes Seeta Bhardwa

The global profile of nurses must be raised, urge MPs

The UK can help to improve the face of nursing globally, a new report by the All Party Parliamentary Group for Global Health has said

MS nurse campaign raises £30,000

A campaign to increase the provision of MS nurses in England has raised £30,000 just a month after beginning

Pay restraint is killing the NHS

There is a growing workforce crisis in the NHS as the chickens come home to roost after years of pay restraint

Technology could revitalise nursing

Investment in digital working could aid district nurses, writes Crystal Oldman

Blessed are the gatekeepers...

Receptionists are the firefighters of general practice and deserve a lot more respect from service users says Mike Shallcross

Mental health trusts see budgets fall

​Mental health trusts face having their budgets cut despite pledges by the government to increase funding, analysis by the Kings Fund has found

The college drop in: the work of a university nursing service

Jenny Bostock outlines some of the physical and mental health issues her unit deals with every day

An overview of osteoporosis

Nurses play a key role in risk assessment and helping patients adhere to medication, explains Julia Thomson

Mental health patients put at risk by placement in inappropriate settings

Pressures on the acute mental health sector are leading high-risk patients to be inappropriately placed in community settings, new research from the University of Manchester has found

Nurses lack training to provide high quality care to transgender patients

The health service is failing to meet the needs of transgender adults and children, according to a survey by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN)

Two thousand training places for nursing associates

More than 1000 nursing associates will start their training this year, Health Education England has announced

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