Cuts to the district nursing workforce are impacting on patient care, a King's Fund report has stated
The government must commit to protect public health budgets the Commons Health Select Committee urged
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) will host a conference on changes to learning disability nursing on 15 September
A conference for healthcare professionals to improve the treatment of sepsis will be held on 12 October, at the America Square Conference Centre, London
The Department of Health has produced a poster for primary care and other healthcare settings to remind parents to get their children vaccinated
A film highlighting the importance of person-centred care for people in care homes to live well has been released by Health Education England
NICE has released a new quality standard to ensure young children are given a healthy start to their lives
Clinical guidelines on the Zika virus infection and pregnancy have been published
Around 440 new nurses and midwives are set to be recruited into the Scottish NHS in 2016/17, workforce projection figures from the Scottish government show
The decline in school nurses may be putting vulnerable children at risk, the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) said
Rotavirus cases have dropped by 84% since the introduction of a vaccine in July 2013, latest figures from Public Health England have found
Three clinicians offer advice on infant feeding options and how to manage associated conditions
Emergency departments should be part of hubs providing access to specially trained nurses, GPs and pharmacists, states a new report by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and the Royal College of...
NHS England is launching a Perinatal Community Services Development Fund to help new mums with severe or complex mental health conditions
Anxiety is like pollution; it's everywhere but can be fairly easy to ignore writes Adam Langley
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