This website is intended for healthcare professionals

NICE aims to tackle rising levels of multi-morbidities

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has issued draft guidance to improve care for people with two or more long-term health conditions

HCAs prepare for bigger role in North London

Harrow CCG is training GP-based healthcare assistants to take greater responsibility for patient care in north London

How medicine went antiviral

Antiviral therapies have lagged behind antibiotic ones. But this may be changing, writes George Winter

Accurate record keeping

Scott Lister outlines what good medical records should include and why it is crucial to keep them up-to-date and accurate

Bariatric surgery in type 2 diabetes

The basics of what primary care professionals need to know for referral and care are outlined by David Morris.

MS: Understanding the enigma

New research provides some interesting insights into multiple sclerosis, writes Mark Greener

New prison health partnership in South West England

A new partnership has been selected by NHS England South to provide healthcare services at five prisons in the south west of England

‘Tweetathon’ to give back to nurses undergoing hardship

A nurse will live tweet his run of the Liverpool marathon to raise funds for the Cavell Nurses’ Trust.

Health behaviour change conference in Essex

Clinicians across Essex, Cambridge and Peterborough gathered at an event about behavioural change, to learn to help people improve their health and wellbeing

UK women to be most obese in Europe by 2025

The UK will have the highest proportion of obese females in Europe by 2025, a study published in the Lancet has found

NMC appoints new education director

Dr Geraldine Walters has been appointed by the NMC as their new director of nursing and midwifery education, standards and policy

First group of nurses revalidate from today

Revalidation, the new method for assessing nurses professional practice, has begun

New Scottish partnership to integrate health and social care

A new health and social care partnership will be launched this week in Aberdeen bringing together NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council Services

Pre-reg nursing training places increase in Northern Ireland

There will be a 15% rise in the number of pre-registration nurses training places in Northern Ireland, health minister Simon Hamilton has announced

Updated prostate cancer test guidance for asymptomatic men

Public Health England has released an improved cancer pack containing information for GPs and practice nurses to use an initial prostate cancer test more effectively

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