The Shape of Caring Review, chaired by Lord Willis, has said that high quality education for nurses and healthcare assistants is crucial to support future workforce development.
Practice nurse consultations are increasing, statistics by the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) have shown.
The first 29 'vanguard' sites for new models of primary care have been announced by NHS England. Between them the sites will be piloting the three models set out in the Five Year Forward View released...
The DH and PHE have created a pathway to help school nurses identify children at risk of sexual exploitation.
In 2011, the Coalition pledged to increase health visitor numbers by 4200 by April 2015. The Health visitor implementation plan 2011-2015 was put in place to help the government achieve this target by...
A conference on nursing appraisals and revalidation will be held at the ICO conference centre in London.
RCN Northern Ireland will host an event aimed at raising awareness of FGM on 23 March at the RCN headquarters in Belfast.
In the third in a series, David Morris outlines management approaches for patients at risk of developing type 2.
Fatigue is common among patients with type 2 diabetes and can undermine the self-management needed to maintain blood glucose control.
A new study has suggested that for smokers willing to reduce cigarette consumption before attempting to quit, varenicline significantly increased smoking cessation rates.
Advanced practice nurses, not physicians associates, should be used to plug the gap in the primary care workforce, Crystal Oldman writes.
Would you expect someone stepping into your house to say hello and perhaps ask your name? Of course you would, says Rita Som.
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has recommended that all patients aged between 14 and 18 are vaccinated against meningococcal group W (MenW) disease.
A toolkit to help nurses support lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) young people who are at risk of suicide has been launched by PHE and the RCN.
A national NHS diabetes prevention programme has been launched by Simon Stevens, NHS England's chief executive, at the Diabetes UK Professional Conference, at the ExCel Centre in London.
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