This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Scotland to fund insulin pumps

Children and young people in Scotland with diabetes are to gain access to insulin pumps as part of a ?1 million government drive to increase take-up of the devices.

Call for ovarian cancer campaign

Women are dying needlessly every day because they do not recognise symptoms of ovarian cancer, according to research by Target Ovarian Cancer.

Keeping risk in perspective

Working in healthcare, it is easy to feel overloaded by the vast amount of information received every day and to rely, instead, on snippets of information to aid understanding.

Practical commissioning: your questions answered about influencing clinical commissioning

Should the clinical commissioning group (CCG) board role be a full-time position for a nurse or does this depend on local strategy?

Importance of holistic wound assessment

It is important to undertake a holistic assessment of the patient who presents with a wound. Karen Ousey and Leanne Cook give an overview of the key responsibilities.

Supporting children with nocturnal enuresis

Bedwetting can have a serious impact of a child's self-esteem and emotional wellbeing. Sally Norfolk and Janet Wootton provide and overview.

Travel health: routine and required vaccines

Vaccines are an important public health measure and may prompt travellers to attend for pre-travel health advice, write Claire Wong and Hilary Simons.

Glue ear

Glue ear or otitis media with effusion (OME) is an increasingly frequent presentation in primary care and the most common reason for childhood surgery; however, there are presently no proven effective...

The importance of assessing constipation

Constipation is common and may have serious implications for a person's quality of life. Gaye Kyle explains what is needed for a thorough assessment

BMI, ovarian cancer and CBT

In-depth analysis of the latest research. Compiled by Steven Goodrick

Product focus: Point-of-care testing for coeliac disease

Matthew Kurien and David Sanders discuss the evidence for point-of-care tests for coeliac disease and focus on Simtomax.

Nursing is being re-evaluated by patients

Good luck to the new Nursing and Care Quality Forum as it sets off on its crucial programme of work

Older patients miss out on cancer care

Half of people newly diagnosed with cancer in the UK are over 70, so it is likely that community and practice nurses will come into contact with an older person living with the disease.

Compassion is a vital quality, NHS-wide

Dignity is 'the essence of proper nursing' according to Sir Keith Pearson, chair of the NHS Confederation, and one of the authors of Delivering Dignity: securing dignity in care for older people in...

Ensuring children have a say in their care

The NSF for children, young people and maternity services; Healthy Lives Brighter Futures; the Kennedy Review: there have been landmark moments in children's health policy over the last ten years.

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