This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Campaigning to nip tokenism in the bud

Campaigns are like buses, and in this edition of Independent Nurse, we are highlighting three of them. In addition to Labour's Drop the Bill campaign, outlined in our exclusive interview with shadow...

Find out about your indemnity situation

The RCN's decision to remove personal indemnity for practice nurses from its member benefits, (covered in this issue's news focus) is no doubt based on sound financial reasoning.

Rosemary Cook - Queen's Nurses have reached a milestone

Next year will mark five years since the QNI re-introduced the Queen's Nurse (QN) title, formerly given only to nurses who trained as district nurses at the Institute. Now the title is for any...

In my view - We must listen to the needs of the dying

The RCN is to be congratulated for publishing guidelines on how nurses should respond if someone asks for assistance to die. In so doing, the college faces up to the reality that some dying patients...

Nursing interventions for adults with autism

Primary care nurses may have a role in supporting adults with autism spectrum conditions before, during and after diagnosis, writes Christopher Barber

Helping to deliver the health visiting vision

Health visitors must seize the opportunity to transform the profession and improve patient care, writes Dr Cheryll Adams

Practical prescribing

Molly Courtenay helps resolve everyday issues for nurse prescribers

Making a clinical training DVD

Nurses have developed an innovative resource to help boost skills in women's health, writes Melanie Rogers

Nursing with kindness and compassion

Nurses must reassert the importance of kindness and compassion in their practice, to enable delivery of high-quality patient care, writes Caroline Forrest

Rosemary Cook - A party political perspective on health

I slipped into a parallel universe last week when I attended one of the major political party conferences. It is a strange environment for anyone used to health conferences. For a start, the security...

Career Profile - Practice Nurse

Cath Johnson, Leeds, West Yorkshire

Practical prescribing

Molly Courtenay helps resolve everyday issues for nurse prescribers

Practical negotiating skills

Unresolved conflict can be a costly factor in healthcare provision, write Priya Agrawal and Leonard Marcus

Practical prescribing

Molly Courtenay helps resolve everyday issues for nurse prescribers

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