This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Cancer deaths plummet in middle-aged patients, but challenges remain warns charity

Cancer Research UK found a sharp decrease in cancer deaths over a 25 year period, but warned that cancer cases are still on the rise overall

Prediabetes: understanding non-diabetic hyperglycaemia

David Morris looks at how prediabetic patients can be diagnosed and managed

Social care under intense pressure as reforms are ‘dodged or delayed’

A new report by the King’s Fund found that adult requests for social care have hit a record high of two million, but the vacancy rate is still at its second highest level in a decade

People with learning disabilities dying ‘too young and from preventable causes’

A new report found that people with a learning disability have higher levels of premature death compared with the rest of the population, because of disjointed care and poor communication

One in 12 NHS staff have faced harassment from the public

A new NHS England staff survey found that more than 58,000 NHS staff faced harassment from patients and other members of the public, increasing from 7.20% in 2019 to 8.48% in 2023

Public show strong support for nursing student loan forgiveness scheme

New polling from the RCN shows 76% of the public would support student loans being written off for nurses who work in the NHS or other public services.

New immunotherapy for women with advanced endometrial cancer

The NHS will roll out a new immunotherapy that could offer women with advanced endometrial cancer significant extra time before their disease progresses, compared with standard chemotherapy alone.

Last chance to register for PCN Live!

This is your last chance to register for FREE for Primary Care Nursing Live, returning to etc.venues 155 Bishopsgate on Friday, March 8th!

Martha’s Rule: giving patients a voice at last

There are three proposed components to Martha’s Rule. The Rule mandates that all staff in NHS trusts have 24/7 access to a rapid review from a critical care outreach team, which they can contact if...

Educating and training nurses key to timely diagnosis of endometriosis

Endometriosis UK has called for increased education and training on endometriosis and menstrual health for nurses, to reduce diagnosis time for the condition

Calls for Government to fix ‘patchy’ end-of-life care for the UK’s ageing population

A report from MPs on Assisted Dying has led to calls for government intervention to improve palliative and end of life care

Asthma reviews: A guide for nurses working in primary care

Heather Henry explains what nurses need to cover when conducting an asthma review

Pertussis: management and diagnosis in primary care

Emma Rickards looks at this often distressing respiratory condition which has been on the rise this winter

Empowering nurses to feel valued

Professional nurse advocates talk to Kathy Oxtoby about their role and the benefits it can bring to nurses

New sponge on the string test to detect cancer could reduce waiting times for endoscopies

An NHS trial of the cytosponge, or sponge on the string test to detect cancer could reduce long waiting lists for endoscopies

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