A review of 'Intellectual disability and dementia'
The row over the junior doctor contract has some stark lessons for nurses, writes Crystal Oldman.
Only 40% of pregnant women receive a vaccination against winter flu, according to the Royal College of Midwives and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Figures from Cancer Research UK show mouth cancer is one of the UK’s fastest increasing cancers, with cases up by a third in the last decade alone, writes Nigel Carter
The various options to consider when prescribing for women with epilepsy are outlined by Rebecca Cosgrave.
Infants exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke when they are four months old may be twice as likely to develop dental caries at three years of age as unexposed children, Japanese research suggests.
The number of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria has risen by nearly a fifth, according to PHE’s second English Surveillance Programme for Antimicrobial Utilisation and Resistance report.
Leicester City respiratory project was named a finalist at the East Midlands Innovation in Healthcare Awards for a project for patients with COPD.
The beard has gone and I’m growing a moustache, writes Mike Shallcross
Rule changes to professional sports can influence how school nurses treat head injuries writes Seeta Bhardwa.
New NICE guidance aims to encourage doctors and nurses to discuss prescriptions of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women experiencing the menopause.
Two UK companies are selling healthcare assistant Care Certificates online with the claims that they can be completed at home.
Nutrition during the childbearing process can have lasting benefits and significant consequences for maternal and fetal health.
Thirty per cent of delayed mental health hospital discharges are associated with the absence of well-resourced community services an inquiry by The King's Fund has found.
People with MS (multiple sclerosis) are more likely to be supported by specialist nurses than other healthcare professionals, including GPs and neurologists, according to a report by the MS Trust.
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