There was a 12 % increase in the total cost of prescriptions for nutritional supplements and paediatric milk intolerance between 2013 and 2014.
Greater awareness of the signs and symptoms of a severe allergic reaction is necessary, research from Allergy UK has found.
There needs to be a 'revolution' in mobile working for the district nursing workforce, according to a panel of leading health technology proponents.
Midwives in Northern Ireland have voted to strike over the issue of pay, after they were balloted in March.
Pregnant women who experience Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG), a severe form of morning sickness struggle to access anti-emetics that can alleviate the condition, a report by the British Pregnancy...
The introduction of seven-day services could lead to another round of industrial action
An e-learning tool for healthcare assistants working towards the Care Certificate has been created.
The Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS) has created a list that identifies six key areas to encourage cultural change in the NHS.
The number of girls aged between 11 and 13 with serious emotional problems rose by 55% between 2009 and 2014, a study has found.
Achieving the best outcomes involves working closely with young people and parents, says Cathy Laver-Bradbury.
These common infections can sometimes look like other skin conditions. Suneeta Kochhar explains how to
differentiate between them to confirm the diagnosis
The European Commission recently approved the pneumococcal vaccine Prevenar 13 (13-valent polysaccharide conjugate vaccine; PCV13) to prevent pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae in patients...
The major political parties have laid out their election manifestos, all including a heavy emphasis on improving the NHS.
Four new e-learning sessions have been released to support practice nurses in tackling FGM.
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