This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Age-related discrimination

I have recently seen another job that I would like to apply for but I am in my 60s. When I downloaded the application form, it asked me for my date of birth. I am concerned that the practice will not...

Questionnaire will monitor health of two year olds

The DH will roll out a questionnaire, which will record population health for two year olds across England.

Antibiotics and children’s health

This week hosts two important events vying for the attention of primary care nurses. European Antibiotic Awareness Day takes place every year on November 18, while the DH is hosting a Week of Action...

Practice nurses are required to coordinate care

Practice nurses should not be forgotten in the integration of primary and social care said Marina Lupari, the RCN's professional lead for primary care and community nursing.

Ebola virus and the duty of care

At the time of writing, a patient who had traveled in an Ebola-affected region of West Africa is in isolation at Belfast's Royal Victoria Hospital awaiting the outcome of tests for Ebola virus. The...

Nurses vital to educate public about antibiotic resistance

The RCN and the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) have highlighted the contribution that primary care nurses can make to tackle antibiotic resistance.

Practice pilots announced for revalidation

GP practices will be included in the NMC's revalidation pilots, the organisation has announced.

The RCN announces a new president

Cecilia Anim has been elected new president of the RCN.

Why become a Queen’s nurse?

The annual Community Practitioner and Health Visitors Association (CPHVA) conference is always a vibrant event. A chance to hear from the system leaders on all issues relevant to population health,...

DH Week of Action focuses on children and young people

The DH nursing team are holding a week of webinars and Twitter chats focusing on children and young people's health this week.

Challenging the status quo

Nurse-led practices have proved to be successful so why are they not more widespread, asks Seeta Bhardwa

Career Profile: Kirsten Ellmore

I was 17, when I started work as a healthcare assistant. I have always been a very caring person by nature and I wanted to help others even from an early age.

Professionalism online

Maintaining your professional persona on and offline can be delicate. Teresa Chinn, Natalie Moore and Alison Inglehearn offer advice on remaining professional while being yourself

Older people embarrassed by health and care needs

Many elderly people find it difficult to access care services because of embarrassment over their health and care needs, a study by YouGov has found.

Scots reluctant to speak about mental health

Nearly half of the people in Scotland would not want to discuss a mental health condition, a survey by the Scottish Government has discovered.

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BJN provides nurses with an evidence base for clinical practice and a platform for professional development. It shares the information and advice that is key to unlocking your full potential.

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