Ebola update
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa continues to spread, with cases reported in Senegal and the Democratic Republic of Congo. As of 28 August, the death toll stands at 1552, out of 3069...
The NHS Pay Review Body (PRB) has been asked by the government to make observations on the Agenda for Change pay system.
Dan Poulter, the parliamentary undersecretary of state for health, wrote to...
The RCN and 11 other healthcare organisations have requested the creation of a taskforce to tackle childhood obesity in an open letter to Dame Sally Davies, the chief medical officer for England.
Public Health Wales has created two campaigns focused on smoking cessation.
The campaigns, called Don't Be The One and Stoptober, were launched on 8 September. Both campaigns will use mass media...
Accessibility to healthcare services has been identified as a barrier to effective care for homeless patients by the QNI's Homeless Health Network (HHN).
The HHN conducted a survey of 184...
Alex Salmond, the first minister of Scotland, said that it was a 'serious problem' that Scotland does not have full financial control of its NHS, during a debate with Alistair Darling on 25 August.
The NMC will alter the registration process for nurses who have trained outside of the European Economic Area from this autumn, it announced.
School nurses and staff will have a legal duty to provide children with type 1 diabetes with individualised care from this month.
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa has continued to grow in severity. The latest WHO figures show that the disease has claimed 1427 lives out of 2615 cases, as of 20 August.
The number of people using NHS Stop Smoking Services has fallen for a second year, according to a report by the HSCIC.
Health visitors shouldn't notice a negative change to the services they deliver, despite responsibility for the commissioning moving in October 2015, the DH said.
The number of deaths from the top four cancers combined has fallen by almost a third, according to Cancer Research UK.
As the vote for independence draws closer Seeta Bhardwa looks at the situation of nurses across the country.
More than three quarters of asthmatics are unaware they may be at risk of a fatal attack, research from charity Allergy UK found, despite them believing their condition is under control.
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