This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Focus on nursing and care quality

Chris Parr speaks to Sally Brearley, chair of the newly-established Nursing and Care Quality Forum

Nurses brand Lansley a 'liar'

Health secretary Andrew Lansley was mocked and branded a 'liar' by delegates at the RCN's 2012 Annual Congress in Harrogate on Monday (14 May).

Miliband appeals for nurses to tell their story

Labour leader Ed Miliband has urged nurses to speak out about what is happening where they work, and hold the government to account for the impact of its controversial NHS reforms.

Diagnose COPD early to save lives

Better adherence to the national COPD strategy could save around 8,000 lives a year, the DH has said.

Practical commissioning: your questions answered about influencing clinical commissioning

The Health and Social Care Act has passed. What are the next steps for clinical commissioning groups (CCGs)?

Time to stand up and be counted

In an exclusive editorial, health secretary Andrew Lansley explains why nurses are vital to the commissioning agenda

Sign up to the prime minister's Dementia Challenge

BBC's Panorama programme recently highlighted a shocking case of abuse in a London care home.

Nurses will overcome Olympic hurdles

Olympic fever is setting in across the country. For some, it is simply the anticipation of seeing high-level sport happening so close to home.

Alcohol and breast cancer

In-depth analysis of the latest research,compiled by Mark Greener.

Providing pre-travel guidance

Pre-travel health advice from nurses helps patients to avoid preventable problems and manage risk, writes Ian Peate

Identifying common lesions and rashes in elderly people

Skin changes in elderly patients should be monitored, assessed and managed, writes Sara Burr

Interventions in alcohol use

Nurses should look to use brief alcohol interventions to reach those who drink to a harmful extent, says Dr Joanne Lacey

Management of malodour in palliative wound care

Georgina Gethin looks at the causes of wound malodour in palliative patients, and current management strategies

Acute diarrhoea

Diarrhoea is fairly complex in both its causation and definition. It is best defined medically in terms of frequency, consistency and either weight or volume within a 24-hour period: greater than...

External parasites

Nurses should suspect scabies in patients who present with intense, generalised itch that is worse at night and after a hot shower. Patients also show an erythematous, papulovesicular rash as well as...

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