This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Problem solving in type 1 diabetes for primary care nurses– part 2

In the second part of this series, David Morris answers more questions around treating patients with T1DM

Digital nurses: Taking the NHS into the 21st century

Nicola Davies explains the potential of technological developments to transform nursing

The rising threat of antibiotic resistance: A guide for nurses

Margaret Perry explains the increasing presence of bacteria immune to conventional medicines

Preventing catheter-related problems in community settings

Linda Nazarko explains how catheters can be managed safely in the home

Nursing students to receive £5,000 per year payment

All nursing students on courses from September 2020 will receive a payment of at least £5,000 a year which they will not need to pay back, the government has announced

Northern Ireland: RCN begins strike action

Members of the RCN in Northern Ireland are taking strike action for the first time in the organisation’s 103-year history

Public urged to get flu jab to avoid illness over Christmas

Hundreds of thousands could be affected by influenza over Christmas if levels rise as expected in late December and early January, NHS England and Public Health England (PHE) have said

Exercise indicators on food packaging could reduce calorie consumption

Changing packaging to explain how much exercise is needed to burn calories could significantly reduce the amount of food and drink a person chooses to buy and consume, research has found

Conservative Party must fulfil pledges after winning landslide, warns RCN

The Conservative Party must honour its pledges to increase NHS funding, the RCN have said, after the party won a landslide victory in the 2019 general election

The responsibility Boris Johnson can’t duck

​So the least wanted and oddest election of my lifetime is over, and the result has been a fairly emphatic victory for blond ambition. And just as we predicted in November’s IN, the NHS was invoked in...

Nurses in Northern Ireland continue to take industrial action

Nurses in Northern Ireland are currently taking further industrial action for 48 hours to campaign for equal pay with nurses in the rest of the UK and improved staffing levels

Increasing child obesity inequality gap in Scotland

Almost a quarter of children who are starting school in Scotland are at risk of being overweight or obese, and that children in less affluent areas are at higher risk, the latest figures from the...

Majority of the public favour NHS tax increase

Two thirds (67%) of the public favour an increase in taxes to maintain current levels of NHS care, up from 64% in May 2017 and 59% in March 2015, a survey by the Health Foundation has found

RCN demands emergency funding to reverse fall in student applications

Whichever party forms the next Government after 12th December must announce an emergency funding package in its first Budget to help to attract more students to nursing degrees in England,’ the RCN...

Nursing workforce ‘stretched to breaking point’

Over half of nurses say that they are unable to provide the level of care required due to workforce pressures, the RCN Employment Survey 2019 has found

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