This website is intended for healthcare professionals

People from deprived areas twice as likely to die from COVID

Data released by the Office of National Statistics has revealed ‘a clear and worrying trend’, according to health think tank, the Health Foundation. ‘That deaths in the most deprived areas are more...

People with cancer symptoms must not miss out on being checked, urges NHS England

A survey has shown that one in ten people would not contact their GP even if they had symptoms of cancer. This is evidenced by a 76% drop in cancer referrals since February as a result of people not...

RCN leaders condemn trolling of nurses for PPE shortage concerns

Nurses active on social media have reported being abused for talking about the issues they are facing during COVID-19, including the lack of PPE.

Nursing, Genomics and Healthcare

The Wellcome Institute is holding a conference at their Genome Campus in Hinxton on the 27th-29th of April

NHS advises public to take vitamin D supplement while in lockdown

With Britain in lockdown as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, the NHS has updated its advice and recommends people ‘consider taking 10 micrograms of vitamin D a day to keep bones and muscles healthy

Coronavirus test website crashes hours after opening

The website that allows key workers to book testing for COVID-19 if they or a family member has symptoms has closed on the same day that it was opened, as demand from key workers quickly outstripped...

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust Palliative Care Conference

A conference for healthcare professionals interested in palliative care will be held on 23rd April 2020 at Ashlar House, Bury St. Edmunds

NHS Confederation condemns government for making ‘PPE promises it cannot keep’

Delays in the delivery of PPE supplies from Turkey have prompted Niall Dickson, Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation, to say this should be a ‘lesson for the Government’ on making promises before...

Starmer says the Government is ‘way behind the curve’ on COVID-19 testing

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has accused the Government of being ‘very slow’ and ‘way behind other European countries’ on testing health care professionals (HCPs) for COVID-19.

Rashes in adults and children: A guide for primary care nurses

Margaret Perry explains how nurses can manage and distinguish between common dermatological symptoms

Supporting End of Life Care during the COVID-19 crisis

Laureen Hemming on what the COVID-19 crisis can teach us on good end-of-life care

The testing deficit at the heart of the COVID-19 outbreak

Linda Nazarko takes stock of what we know of COVID-19 so far, and what we could be doing better

SGLT inhibitors for type 1 diabetes: a finely balanced matter?

David Morris explains the latest guidance on the use of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors

Skin deep: The impact of tattoos and piercing on health

Ian Peate explains what conditions nurses may encounter in patients with body decoration

Seven steps to spirometry: Management in primary care

Chris Loveridge updates what primary care nurses need to know about performing diagnostic spirometry

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