This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Prostate cancer treatment support

This Cancer UK video describes the extra support that prostate cancer patients undergoing treatment need, where they can get it, including at their local surgery. It discusses some of the side effects...

NICE consultation on draft menopause guidelines

NICE has released a consultation on draft guidelines for the care of women going through menopause.

Learn about multiple sclerosis online

An e-learning platform for nurses interested in the treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis has been created by the European Multiple Sclerosis Platform and the International Organisation of...

Dysphagia and Parkinson's disease

A patient with Parkinson's describes how and why swallowing is difficult but thinks his dysphagia experience is limited compared to some.

Diabetic foot pressure ulcer

This video clip describes the appearance of a pressure ulcer on the heel of a diabetic using a University of Hertfordshire wound care model.

The revised NMC Code – what you need to know

?On 31 March 2015, the new NMC Code of professional standards for nurses and midwives came into force. The new Code puts patients and service users at the heart of practice with the intention of...

First Admiral nurse appointed to South West London

The first dementia specialist Admiral in South West London has been appointed by SweetTree, a care provider in Richmond.

Jane Cummings clears up safe staffing misconceptions

NHS England will develop work programmes to support the development of guidance for safe staffing in the community, said chief nursing officer Jane Cummings.

Calls for tobacco tax to fund smoking cessation services

NHS smoking cessation services should be funded by a tax on the profits of tobacco manufacturers, a report by charity Action on Smoking and Health, and more than 120 other public health bodies has...

Aerobic exercise could ease asthma symptoms

Aerobic exercise appears to curb the severity of asthma symptoms stated a study published the journal Thorax.

Referral system for CBT sees 60% recovery rates

A referral system for patients with common mental health disorders to online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has been rolled out in GP practices in the Isle of Wight.

National summit for improving the lives of carers

The Department of Health and the Royal College of Nursing will host an event dedicated to supporting the health and wellbeing of carers on 30 June at the Amba Hotel in Charring Cross, London.

Fat could reduce risk of fatal heart attack

Fat surrounding blood cells could decrease the chances of a person having a heart attack, according to research from the University of Oxford.

Consultation on menopause guideline

NICE opens consultation on draft menopause guideline.

Lack of awareness around diabetes link to sight loss

More than 40% of the public are unaware that people with diabetes are at risk of going blind as a result of complications to the condition, a survey by Diabetes UK has found.

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