This website is intended for healthcare professionals

One midwife per birth says NICE

NICE recommends that there should be one midwife during birth in its second guideline for safe staffing in the NHS.

Student practice nurse placements must increase to avoid crisis

Without a large increase in the number of student nurses encouraged to work in practice settings, the primary care workforce could fall into crisis, a leading workforce expert has said.

GPN conference discusses revalidation and the future of practice nursing

Nearly 200 practice nurses gathered at the Alton Towers hotel on 24 and 25 February for the inaugural Midlands and East General Practice Nurse Conference, to strengthen collaboration between nurses in...

Giving children the best start possible

We know that one of the most important things we can do to build a healthy population is to give our children the best possible start. As Frederick Douglass said, 'It is easier to build strong...

School nurses win at NHS Innovation awards

School nurses using text messages to communicate with teenagers were among the winners at the NHS Innovation Challenge Awards on 23 February.

Emotional cost of nursing must be addressed

The toll of performing 'emotional labour' in nursing must be addressed, or patient care will suffer, a leading nursing academic said today.

NHS launches tobacco control statement

Public health organisations in England have launched the NHS Statement of Support on Tobacco Control, to combat the health damage done by smoking.

Report into cost of eating disorders raises awareness

A report commissioned by eating disorder charity BEAT and produced by auditors Price Waterhouse Coopers has been released to raise awareness of the personal and economic costs of eating disorders.

New dementia nursing services adopted by Norfolk CCGs

Three Norfolk CCGs will develop their dementia nursing services, following a successful two-year Admiral Nurse pilot.

West Midlands GPN conference

Health Education West Midlands will host a conference for general practice nurses on 24 and 25 February at the Alton Towers Hotel in Staffordshire

Fund to increase mental health access for veterans

A £75,000 fund has been awarded by NHS England to charity The Forces in Mind trust to carry out a review of the mental health needs of people who have served in the armed forces.

Government launches £300m effort to combat dementia

Research into dementia will receive a £300 million boost over the next five years, as part of proposals announced by the prime minister to improve the treatment of the condition.

Varenicline highly effective in supporting smoking cessation

The drug varenicline, also known as Champix, is highly effective as an aid to quitting smoking, a study published in the JAMA has found.

Women at high risk of breast cancer should have more screenings

Most women believe that those with a high risk of developing breast cancer should be given more screening, a study published in journal The Breast.

Florence Nightingale scholarships

Applications for the Florence Nightingale Foundation's travel scholarships will open on 1 March 2015.

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